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January 2016 - June 2016

Areas of focus


Team: Ryan Pierson, Zoe Gan


How can detailed mapping of both indoor and outdoor spaces facilitate more knowledge sharing and a more collaborative environment on a campus?


After being awarded a grant from Google, researchers at the Syracuse University iSchool Social Computing Systems Lab were interested in creating a more detailed mapping system for specific ecosystems that would allow an extra layer of information to be added to indoor and outdoor campus spaces, events and resources. 

indoor map in hand.jpg
flat floor map with new icons indoor.jpg

From user interviews, model mapping and scenario development to rough wireframes and click through testing, I helped the SALT lab create a prototype app that could be utilized for further research or eventual launch.


user scenerio test indoor map.jpg


Indoor Map rough wireframe 1.jpg
campus map wireframe no background.png


Mapping Interface.jpg

The resulting interface allowed students and faculty to explore a more rich mapping experience of every part of the campus - finding, posting and discovering new spaces, events and resources. 


UX Style Guide Indoor Outdoor.png
Indoor Map icons process BW.jpg
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